ways to give
Cash donations:
Cash donations are a great way to support the Garden Theater. These donations go directly towards our day-to-day theater operations, programming, and more. We could not operate without these tax deductible donations from our incredibly generous donors. Make a gift.
Planned giving:
Think ahead with your philanthropy and commit to helping the theater flourish for many years to come. Planned giving through bequests, beneficiary designations, and giving to the Garden Theater’s endowment are all ways in which you can have a great impact on the future of the Garden Theater. You can find the button to give directly to the Garden’s endowment below. You can use these forms to make your giving easier: Beneficiary Designation Notice and Estate Intention Notice.
Gifts of stock are another way to support the theater. These gifts include stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. These gifts go towards supporting the theater into the future. Please consult your financial advisor for more information. Stock gifting delivery instructions can be found here.
Event sponsorships:
Looking for a way to support the theater and have a direct impact on our programming and community members? Sponsor one of our many events. We host free film series, our monthly $1 Family Movie Saturday, and other ongoing programs that offer sponsorship opportunities. Interested? Please reach out to gandreasen@gardentheater.org.
want to help the garden grow? make a gift
The Garden Theater is a community driven organization that strives to bring enriching cultural entertainment to Benzie County and beyond. Donations, no matter how small, go directly towards helping the Garden grow. What does that mean? Well, it was through generous donations that we were able to complete our Performing Arts Project in 2023 and transform the theater into a top-tier performing arts venue in Northwest Michigan. These upgrades have allowed for an increase in live events programming, including our Live at the Garden Summer Concert Series, our Annual Holiday Gala, and so much more. It was also through generous donations that we were able to create a 120- array solar garden on the roof of the Garden Theater. This solar garden is currently producing pure Michigan clean energy that powers the theater and Frankfort as a whole. These are just some examples of the ways your gifts can have a huge impact. As we plan ahead, we have made it a priority to bring as much free and low cost programming to the community as possible. We consider ourselves a community gathering place that should enrich the lives of Benzie County residents through arts and culture without a barrier of entry such as high cost.Your gift could help fund a free community event in the future, like our Monthly Kids Movie, Book to Big Screen Event, Monthly Movie Club, and more. In this way, your gift will have a direct impact on members of the community. All of this is to say that the events we put on, from our weekly films, to our Free Monthly Movie Club, to our sold-out Holiday Gala, could not be accomplished without the generous support from our donors. Your gift has an immense impact.
Please consider making a gift. You will help support the theater’s day-to-day operations, film programing, special events, free community events, and more.
help the garden grow for 100 more years
2024 marked a huge milestone for the Garden Theater: our centennial. The theater has brought community together through arts and culture for over 100 years. Our existence as a constant cornerstone on Main Street is no accident- the theater has been saved by donors and patrons countless times. It has been through generous gifts and community support that the theater has been restored, renovated, and transformed into the art-deco performing arts center we all know and love today. These gifts have allowed us to take on more programming, bringing film, music, theater, dance, and more to Northwest Michigan.
It is our mission to make sure the Garden continues to be a cornerstone of Frankfort for 100 more years. Planned giving is a great way for those passionate about the the Garden to extend their philanthropic efforts for years into the future, and ensure that the Garden remains a flourishing community center. Consider giving to the Garden Theater endowment and make a greater impact with your philanthropy for years to come. The information you will need to make a planned gift to the Garden is listed below.